Scenic Backgrounds
Looking for the best premium and free Scenic Backgrounds for your next project? – Browse through our collections and find many fantastic artsy backgrounds!
Download our stunning high resolution 8000×5000 px. royalty-free artsy textures and overlays. Each scenic background is a unique work of art created by professional photographers and high end retouchers to blend perfectly with your pictures. Compatible with Adobe Photoshop and any other graphic software.
!!!! Here you can find some quick tips to get started with Artsy Textures & Backgrounds and see them all: All Artsy Backgrounds, and more!!!!
How to Use Artsy Backgrounds in Photoshop | Easy Guide
Ever wondered how some designers change the background of an image? It’s actually way easier than you might think. It only takes a few minutes. Intrigued? I’ll shows you how to extract the subject from one background and put it on another in Photoshop: Quick VideoTutorial
The scenic backgrounds used in this tutorial are available at Floral Chalk Backgrounds but the same technique will work with all textures and photoshop overlays.
Walking through the exact steps to replace a background in Photoshop! Quick Tutorial…
From PixaFOTO Marketplace | Media | Quick Video Tutorial “How to use artsy backgrounds in Photoshop”
Soft Scenic Backgrounds – The OCEAN collection
Exclusive High Res 8000×5000 px. artsy backgrounds – The OCEAN Collection features amazing high resolution soft scenic backgrounds from the fantastic Mediterranean sea.
Hello friends, I’m back with another artsy backgrounds pack – this time, it’s Soft Scenic Backgrounds collection! Though these overlays are designed to be used with people, animals and birds, they can also be used with other subjects – just let your creative imagination go….
The OCEAN Collection offers you four unique soft background scenes, all with dreamy and blurred tones.
From PixaFOTO Marketplace | FotoSogno | Exclusive HI RES Photoshop overlays – The OCEAN collection
Artsy Backgrounds QuickTips
How can I cut my subjects out of an image and place them on a new background? Click here for Step-by-Step video tutorial
!!!! Don’t miss the chance to see ALL our precious Premium & Free Artsy Backgrounds and Textures.
Looking for more high quality photography tools? We cordially invite you to tour our digital online PixaFOTO Marketplace. All our FREE and PREMIUM products are of the highest quality, offering the greatest possible support from our authors.
Download & Enjoy!
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